
  • Rinse in cold water to dilute the stain. 
  • Pre-treat remaining stain and wash in the hottest water the fabric can handle, using appropriate bleach. 
  • If the stain remains, soak in warm water and pre-soak product. 

If you still can’t get it out, bring it to Cape Cleaners!

Grass, Makeup, Grease/Oil, Mayonnaise, Mustard, Pencil Lead

  • Pre-treat stain and launder in the hottest water that’s safe for the fabric, using chlorine bleach if it’s safe for the fabric. 
  • If stain remains, soak in warm water with a pre-treat product. Rinse and re-launder. 
  • Nail polish remover can be effective on stubborn makeup stains like lipstick. 

If you still can’t get it out, bring it to Cape Cleaners!


  • Dab the stain with rubbing alcohol and/or spray with pre-treat product or hairspray until wet. Rinse thoroughly. 
  • Pre-treat stain and launder in the hottest water that’s safe for the fabric, and use appropriate bleach. 

If you still can’t get it out, bring it to Cape Cleaners!

Mud, Ketchup/Tomato Sauce, Eggs, Meat Juice/Gravy

  • Remove as much dried stain as possible from the fabric
  • Soak in a bucket of water
  • Pre-treat and launder using hot water and appropriate bleach

If you still can’t get it out, bring it to Cape Cleaners!